I, Library Geek Girl – will endeavor to bring to you a un-biased, realistic, non-spoiler reviews of books, cds and comedy shows or dvds that I read/watch.

Any views that are expressed in any of the reviews are mine, and mine alone.



I, Library Geek Girl – will endeavor to give you a un-biased, realistic and useable review.

Any views that are expressed are mine, and mine alone.

I will never give a review that personally attacks the author, however if I really dislike a book than I will most likely berate the characters within the story, and not the authors personally – however there may be one or two exceptions.


If you are a author and wish me to review the book, feel free to contact me by email: librarygeekgirl2.0@gmail.com




This is an important topic in the blogging community. An ARC- or Advanced Readers Copy- is sometimes given out to reviewers before a book release. These books state that they are NOT to be sold. Occasionally people will still try to sell these books, and normally for a huge amount of money. It is illegal to sell ARCs!

If you see anyone selling these books please report them.  Most of the ARCs I get from publishers or authors I will be keeping. 🙂 I am a book lover at heart and enjoy having those special keepsakes. Occasionally I may use one as a prize in a contest or trade for another book with a blogger but I will never sell an ARC!

This is originally from Confessions of a Bookaholic and I use it as only to spread the word and show my commitment to respecting authors who provide me with ARC books.

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