Tag Archives: Pete McGee


For everyone who gets up and fights on, no matter how many times they are knocked down.

That dedication sets the tone and theme for the novel. This sets us up on the continuing journey of Pete McGee – the one armed boy who wants nothing more to be a knight.

I have been waiting for this book to come out since the start of the year – since the author, Adam Wallace; got overly excited for it as well.

This story tells of Pete McGee’s training for becoming a knight.

I can really relate to Pete as I have use of only one arm and felt myself wishing I had this book back in April when I was going a hard-patch and not feeling the best.

Pete has a quality that I see in myself and my best friend – reliance. No matter what he he is faced with he continues to overcome them, successfully.

However there is a few undead creatures that want to stop him, will Pete succeed when it seems that there is no hope at all?

I read this book in 2 days and even though it is Primary School based literature I loved it, even more than the second one.


So, last night I finished The Incredible Journey of Pete McGee by Adam Wallace. What a fantastic, wonderful book! Although I could be considering a bias, as the main character has one arm (I have use of only one, I unlike Pete McGee; have both limbs still attached.

There is also a short person that assists Pete on his travels.

It is a great book that everyone should read.