Tag Archives: review


What? Another post on a beastly thing that is an abomination to literature that is 50 Shades? Well yes; but only to highlight the brilliance of this review of the trilogy by Goodreads user – Katrina Lumsden.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Read, share and comment!



For everyone who gets up and fights on, no matter how many times they are knocked down.

That dedication sets the tone and theme for the novel. This sets us up on the continuing journey of Pete McGee – the one armed boy who wants nothing more to be a knight.

I have been waiting for this book to come out since the start of the year – since the author, Adam Wallace; got overly excited for it as well.

This story tells of Pete McGee’s training for becoming a knight.

I can really relate to Pete as I have use of only one arm and felt myself wishing I had this book back in April when I was going a hard-patch and not feeling the best.

Pete has a quality that I see in myself and my best friend – reliance. No matter what he he is faced with he continues to overcome them, successfully.

However there is a few undead creatures that want to stop him, will Pete succeed when it seems that there is no hope at all?

I read this book in 2 days and even though it is Primary School based literature I loved it, even more than the second one.


This debut novel was one of the first ebooks I brought for my new Kindle Touch and since the first page I was hooked. I have been unable to concentrate on another book because I have just been wanting to know what happens in the book.

Book One of the Immortal Empire Series

Blood. Bloomers. Bedlam.

Click-through to Kate’s site

The Victorian Era never ended. It’s 2012 and her Ensanguined Majesty is still on the throne, the vampire ruler of the British Empire. There are werewolves too. And Goblins. All brought about by mutations caused by the plague.

Xandra Vardan is a half-blood, the daughter of a vampire and a human courtesan. A member of the Royal Guard, she’s supposed to keep the aristocrats (those of plagued blood) safe… Xandra stumbles upon a secret that not only changes her life forever, but just might end it if she’s not careful.

And just what’s going on at Bedlam Asylum for the Insane?

I am in love with the female lead – Xanda, so much so that I WANT to be her. She is sexy, sassy and when her family is in morning  for her sister she trusts her gut and goes sniffing….

The lead male, who takes quite a shine to Xanda is amusing and is loveable as a delightful warewolf called Vex.

For anyone who loves steampunk and mystery this is a winner. If you liked Gail Carriger than I am sure you would like it. I wish that the 2nd book was out sooner – however I know that it will make me want to read it as soon as it arrives in the post.


So I have seen a lot of these kicking around, so a week into a new year I will endeavor to talk about the previous year, what I found and fell in love with.



  • Matt Smith
  • David Tennant
  • Catherine Tate


  • Freaky Friday


  • Doctor Who



  • The Doctor